Monday, June 28, 2010

Crazy Neighbor Lady

My crazy neighbor came up with an even crazier plan. She decided to get herself and her kids up early every morning and walk to the park. Did I mention that it's summer? No school, no imposed deadlines, preferably no alarm clocks. She actually had the nerve to invite my little boy and me to come along.

Initially I gave her a non-committal "yeah, sounds fun, we'll have to see how things go." Privately I was compiling a list of very legitimate reasons (a.k.a. excuses) not to participate in this insane plan.
  1. Summer is supposed to be lazy - or at least not so scheduled.
  2. Despite being an early riser, my son will happily play video games for at least an hour without waking me.
  3. I'm just not sure I'm ready for "people" that early in the morning.
  4. My husband always goes to bed late, and if I want to spend time with him I have to stay up late sleeping in makes sense, right?
  5. Sleep is sacred, and there's never enough of it.

However, a few little things kept pestering my thoughts until I decided to tentatively - very tentatively - try it for a week.

Monday went well. It was nice to get out in the sunshine. The kids had fun playing at the park. My neighbor walks like a maniac and after 5 minutes of being completely out of breath I sent her on her way to do her own thing while I walked at my own pace.

Tuesday I had shin splints from trying to keep up with my crazy friend. But I re-started Week 1 of a "couch-to-5K" plan.

Wednesday I slyly suggested to my son that we have a "lazy day" and skip the park thing. He responded, "But mom, you know how you've been wanting to lose some weight? Well this is the key!" He was right, of course. So we went to the park. And we made it through the rest of the week without any "lazy days."

Reluctantly, I have to admit that it's a really good thing. It's good for my son because he has an hour of fun exercise without even knowing that he's exercising. It's good for me because I have some consistency, and exercise really does temper my weird, anxious personality. We both come home happy, a little less restless, and ready to start the day.

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