Monday, July 30, 2012

Hello blog.  It's been awhile.  Well, I'm still frumpy and still attempting to dredge up that runner I know I have deep inside my soul.

Last winter was dark, and cold and I spent much of it being depressed.  Not much running went on, but the frumpiness reached new heights.  There were reasons for the depression, but much of that has been worked through and at least partially resolved.  And now it's summer.

My adorable, funny, sweet little boy has been on a fitness kick this summer.  He wants to "get in shape" for the "ladies."  Yes, he's a bit of a Romeo.  But whatever his motives are, his enthusiasm is contagious.  Or, at the very least it's persistent.

We started the "couch-to-5k" program.  Again.  Well, again for me.  I have a nifty app on my phone and he has the same app on his iPod.  We start at the same time, each listening to our own music, and walk-run together.  It's fun.  At first I was a little apprehensive about trying to do this together.  I thought I would miss having my own space and quiet exercise time.  It's turned out to be a very good thing.  We kind of do have our own space while we listen to music, and then towards the end when we're cooling down we chat.  He's a great conversationalist and he constantly makes me laugh.

Today as I was shuffling down the road at the pace of an old man with severe arthritis and a bad case of gout, I looked at the beautiful mountains and felt happy.  There's something really nice about getting outside before it's too hot, and breathing some fresh-ish air.  It may just be worth the early alarm clock and sore feet.